mardi 27 octobre 2009

What's this ?

Uh, uh it might be a comic page but I might be wrong. I don't want to post the progress, I don't want to show too much hints until this short story is done but it's gonna be the very first time for Javier and Ka'eo with real panels and bubbles and all so we're both excited ; here's the sketch of page 2. You'll notice Ka'eo's new style with shorter hair and stubble ; and you can't see it here but I totally re-designed his tattoos, they're a pain in the ass. I'm not ready to make a comic about mareros... (well I say that but I'm having such ideas since last week... >< if I did it, it could be awesome, dangerous but awesome !)

Anyway, on to the sketchy-smut !

1 commentaire:

  1. J'en étais sûre >< C'est ce que j'avais deviné sur Onesketch ! Allumeuuuuseuh :p Je crois que je préférais encore quand je savais rien... ou pas :p
    Je vais prendre mon mal en patience, mais j'ai hâte !

    Ca serait classe ton autre idée, j'suis sûre que tu pourrais y arriver !
